Learning resources, discords and utils that I’ve bookmarked. Ability System Docs Unofficial documentation for the Gameplay Ability System in Unreal. Incredibly thorough and fills many gaps for both beginner and advanced topics. github.com/tranek/GASDocumentation docs unreal Alekon Morphing Reticles A neat tutorial about creating and blending between SDFs. alekongame.com/morph/ unreal tutorials tech-art Allar Style Guide The gold standard for style guides in Unreal. Many studios refer to this guide for structuring their project, naming assets, and more. github.com/Allar/ue5-style-guide/#readme docs unreal benui Ben has a huge number of great Unreal tutorials and resources, mostly focused on UI, but covering a variety of topics in the engine. benui.ca/ tutorials ui unreal programming benui Discord A great Unreal developer discord, largely focused on UI but with experienced devs from all other areas as well. discord.benui.ca/ discord unreal ConEmu A wrapper for any shell application (I use it around Git Bash) that adds some much needed formatting and functionality benefits like tabs, summoning via hotkeys, etc. conemu.github.io/ utilities DS4Windows A driver that allows the use of PlayStation controllers (as well as many others) on Windows. github.com/Ryochan7/DS4Windows/releases drivers games Epic Developer Community The official community for forums, tutorials, and other docs related to Unreal. dev.epicgames.com/community/unreal-engine unreal tutorials docs Fabrizio Bergamo Some nice tech art / sdf tutorials. www.artstation.com/briz/blog unreal vfx art Game AI Pro A huge collection of professional AI publications from top studios and games. gameaipro.com/ ai docs unreal Game Jobs Thousands of job postings from tons of studios in the games industry. gamejobs.co/ career How Unreal Renders a Frame Interplay of Light is a graphics blog by Kostas Anagnostou. These three great articles detail how Unreal renders a frame from start to finish. interplayoflight.wordpress.com/category/unreal/ unreal graphics Inigo Quilez Co-creator of shadertoy and an incredible resource for learning to write shaders and think about graphics programming. iquilezles.org/ graphics tutorials unreal Jorge Israel Peña A massive amount of notes and links about unreal, c++, and many other languages and technologies. The unreal notes doc was a good first read when starting to dip past the surface of the engine. jip.dev/notes/unreal-engine/ docs unreal programming msdfgen A tool for generating signed distance field textures. github.com/Chlumsky/msdfgen unreal tech-art open-source Multiplayer Network Compendium The famous documentation detailing how multiplayer networking works in Unreal. cedric-neukirchen.net/docs/category/multiplayer-network-compendium unreal docs network Notion The best life and project organization tool out there. Amazing for design docs and similar. www.notion.so/ production Orfeas Eleftheriou Orfeas’s site is another gold bookmark with many unique c++ tutorials for Unreal, covering some uncommonly found topics. orfeasel.com/ unreal tutorials programming Shader Bits Tech art blog by Ryan Brucks at Epic. shaderbits.com/blog unreal tech-art Shading Models and GBuffer Great tutorial consolidating a lot of experience in adding new shading models and lighting features. I used very similar techniques to accomplish Creature in the Well and Stonefly’s look. dev.epicgames.com/community/learning/tutorials/2R5x/unreal-engine-new-shading-models-and-changing-the-gbuffer unreal tutorials graphics Tom Looman Maybe the most important Unreal c++ learning site you should know about. Tom’s work can teach you everything you need to know about Unreal. tomlooman.com/ unreal tutorials programming UMG Slate Compendium Supplemental documentation for diving deeper into Slate and UMG. github.com/YawLighthouse/UMG-Slate-Compendium unreal docs Unreal Engine Documentation This list would be incomplete without the official Unreal Engine documentation. It gets better with every release, don’t ignore it! docs.unrealengine.com/ unreal docs Unreal Source Discord A massive discord community for Unreal Engine users. discord.gg/unrealsource discord unreal We Can Fix It in UI A great resource for all things UI. Contains books, learning resources, and career advice. http://wecanfixitinui.com/ docs ui WinMerge WinMerge is an excellent tool for diffing one folder against another in Windows. It’s a great way to ensure consistency when performing large copies, integrates, syncs, etc. winmerge.org utilities WizTree An unbelievably faster alternative to WinDirStat. Displays disk usage so you can clear up drive space quickly on Windows. diskanalyzer.com/ utilities